Olten Art Foundation

I have always believed that each person has a subjective world and the size of this world composes his intellectual depth which provides us a wide range of opportunities from placing ourselves correctly in universe to the capability of opening our hearts in toleration for everything on earth.
Olten Art Association is the outpouring of our willingness or excitement to do something for the society we live in.
Olten Art Association is the answer to the question of our grandson, that is ‘what have you done for the society you live in’
Olten Art Association is the solution seeking to ‘elegancy’ the absolute need of societies.
Olten Art Association is contributing to a melody performed by the orchestra in a cosmic festival.
Olten Art Association is a great happiness and undescribed pleasure.
Olten Art Association is seeking for a society which needs no hero.
Olten Art Association is being an individual therefore being able to think and questioning, being able to recognise, and ofcourse being able to comprehend.